Sanur Beach Bali

 Times to update how to travel in Indonesia and this time i will post about how to travel in sanur beach. Sanur is one of famous destination for traveller in Bali. How do we get there, take a look about this tips

By car Sanur is a 20 minute taxi ride from the Ngurah Rai International Airport after flying by garuda maybe and a pre-paid coupon costs Rp 95,000. There are plenty of metered taxis all over the island who will be keen to take you to Sanur.

If you are driving yourself, this is one of the more staight forward areas of Bali to find as the main Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai is the western boundary of Sanur. There are many well signposted exit points from this main road into the heart of Sanur. Allow about 20 minutes driving time from Kuta or Legian, about 30 minutes from Seminyak or Ubud and 10 to 15 minutes from Denpasar.

Sanur is well serviced by shuttle buses and bemos from the north and south and also from Denpasar's Tegal terminal. The bus company Perama has its Sanur office in Jalan Hangtuah, and offers difrect transfer here from Candidasa, Kuta, Lovina, Padang Bai and Ubud. Private shuttle buses run from most major tourist centres of Bali to Sanur; check local advertising and always book 24 hours in advance.

What can we get in Sanur Beach is about Sunset and Sunrise. Usually people who want to see the sunrise and sunset go to this place because this is the best spot to see it. So if you go there don't forget to bring your camera.


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