The biggest Hindu's Temple "Prambanan"

Prambanan Temple Tourism Park neighborhood located in Prambanan, approximately 17 km to the east of Yogyakarta, precisely in the village of Prambanan Subdistrict Bokoharjo. Located only about 100 m from the Yogya-Solo highway, so it is not difficult to find. Most of the tourist area which is located at an altitude of 154 m above sea level is included in Sleman. while some are included in the Klaten region.

How to get there
The visitor, tourist can use a vehicle such as car, taxi, bus, or rent a car. Usually taxi from Adi Sucipto Airport only cost 50.000 rupiah to this place. By bus or settle bus name "Trans Jogja" only 10.000 rupiah. By renting a car cost approximately 250.000 to 300.000 rupiah in one day. So pick whatever it is that make you comfortable. Okay let's get back to the topic

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. Until now not been established when the temple was built and who ordered, but the strong suspicion that the temple was built around the middle of the 9th century by the king of the Sanjaya dynasty, King Balitung Maha Sambu. The assumption is based on the content found Syiwagrha inscription around Prambanan and is now kept in the National Museum in Jakarta. Stone inscription dated 778 Saka (856 M) was written during the reign of Rakai Pikatan.

Prambanan temple restoration takes a very long time, as if nothing had finished. The discovery of the ruins of the largest buildings, namely Shiva Temple, was reported by CA Lons in 1733. Excavation and recording of the first efforts undertaken under the supervision Groneman. Excavation completed in 1885, includes cleansing scrub and stones grouping temple ruins.

Prambanan original plan rectangular, consisting of an outer courtyard and three grounds, namely Jaba (outer court), Tengahan (middle court) and Njeron (in court). Outer courtyard is an open area which surrounds the outer court. Outer court oblong shape with an area 390 m2. This court previously surrounded by a stone fence which is now in ruins. Outer court is currently only an empty lot. Not yet known whether there was originally another building or decoration in this court.

In the middle of the outer court, there is a second court, which the court amid a rectangular area of ​​222 m2. Central courtyard surrounded by a fence must also stone today already collapsed. This court consists of four terraces, getting into the higher. On the first terrace, the terrace is the bottom, there is a row of 68 small temples around, divided into four lines by connecting road antarpintu court. In the second terrace there are 60 temples, on the third terrace there are 52 temples, and on the fourth terrace, or patio top, there are 44 temples. The entire temple in the middle of the court has the same shape and size, which is the basis of 6 m2 spacious floor plan and 14 m high. Almost all the temples in the middle of the courtyard is now in ruins. Only ruins were left alone.

In the courtyard of the temple there are 2 rows that ran north-south. In the west there are 3 rows of temples were facing east. The temple is located at the north is Vishnu, in the middle is a Shiva temple, and to the south is the Brahma Temple. In the east there is also a row of 3 pieces temple facing to the west. The third temple called the temple a vehicle (vehicle = vehicle), because each temple is named after the animal that is the god that mounts in front of the temple is located.

Temple opposite the Vishnu temple is Garuda temple, which is dealing with the Shiva Temple is a temple of Nandi (bull), and are dealing with the Brahma Temple is temple Geese. Thus, the sixth temple facing each other to form the hallway. Vishnu, Brahma, Geese, Garuda and Nandi have the same shape and size, which is laid out on a square base measuring 15 m2 with a height of 25 m. On the north and south ends of each hallway there is a small temple facing each other, the so-called Temple Apit.


Named as Shiva Temple in this temple there is statue of Shiva. Shiva Temple is also known as Candi Rara Jonggrang, because in one office there Mahisasuramardani Durga, who is often referred to as the Arca Rara Jonggrang. The temple sits on about 2.5 m tall platform. Shiva Temple, which is located in the middle row of the west, is the largest temple. Essentially Plan square area of ​​34 m2 with a height of 47 m.

Along the walls of the temple are decorated with carved legs two kinds of ornaments are located alternately. The first is a picture of a lion standing in between two trees kalpataru. The ornaments are on all sides of Shiva Temple and fifth legs of the other temples.

At the foot of the wall on the north and south of Shiva temple, lion ornament on top flanked by a pair of panels that contain animal sculptures that were sheltering under a tree that grows in a vase kalpataru. Various animals depicted here, including: monkeys, peacocks, deer, rabbits, goats, and dogs. At the top of each tree two birds perched.

On the other sides of the walls of the temple leg, both legs of the Shiva Temple and other temples, these animals display panels panels replaced with Air-Kinari image kinara, a pair of human-headed bird, which also were sheltering under a tree Kalpataru.

At the top of the stairs there is a gate leading to the hallway on the surface paduraksa shelf. Above the threshold of the gate are carved Kalamakara beautiful. Behind the gate there is a small temple that has a pair of recesses in the body. The niches contain statues of Mahakala and Nandiswara, doorman gods.

On the surface there is a shelf about 1 m wide corridor that surrounds the temple. The lobby is equipped with a fence or ledge, so it looks like a hallway without a roof. This berlangkan hallway winding angle, dividing walls of the temple into 6 sections. Along the walls of the temple decorated with a row of sculptured statue Lokapala. Lokapala were gods guard cardinal directions, such as Bayu, Indra, Varuna, Agni and Yama.

Along the inside wall of the ledge carved reliefs of Ramayana. The Ramayana story carved in a clockwise direction, starting from the requested Vishnu scene down to earth by the king in order to overcome the turmoil is done by Ravana and the scene ends with the completion of the construction of a bridge across the ocean towards the State of Lanka. Connection in the wall there is a Ramayana story ledge Brahma Temple.

On top of the ledge wall lined jewel embellishment. Under Charles, on the outside wall of the ledge, there are small niches with ornate Kalamakara on it. In niches there are 2 motif carvings displayed alternately, that figure 3 men standing holding hands and 3 people are playing different kinds of musical instruments.

There is no connecting doors between rooms Shiva with three rooms on the other side. Space north, west, and south has its own entrance which is located right in front of the stairs going up to the upper terrace. In the north there is a Mahesasuramardini Durga, Durga as the goddess of death, who describes the consort of King Balitung. Durga depicted as eight-armed goddess standing on the bull Nandi facing the Vishnu temple. One of his right hand in a reclining position on a mace, while the other three hands each holding arrows, swords and discs. The left hand holds the head of the Asuras, giant dwarf who stands at the head of Mahisa (calf), while the other three hands holding a bow, a shield and flowers. Durga is by also Arca communities called Rara Jonggrang, because the statue is believed to be the incarnation of Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang is a princess in local legend, the statue was cursed by being Bandung Bandawasa.


Vishnu found Shiva temple on the north side. The temple sits on the shelf that forms berlangkan breezeway. Ladder to climb to the surface of the shelf is located on the east side. Along the walls of the temple were lined with sculptured panels depicting Lokapala.

Ledge along the wall in the shuffle decorated relief panels containing Krisnayana. Krisnayana is the life story of Krishna from birth until he managed to occupy the royal throne of Dwaraka.

On top of the ledge wall lined jewel embellishment. Under Charles, on the outside wall of the ledge, there are small niches with ornate Kalamakara on it. In niches there are sculptures depicting Vishnu as the priest who was sitting with a variety of hand positions.

Vishnu has only one room with a door facing east. In the room, there is a statue of Vishnu in a standing position on the 'pedestals' shaped yoni. Vishnu is described as a four-armed deity. Rear right hand holding chakra (Vishnu weapons) while the left hand holds the oyster. Front right hand holding his left hand holding a mace and a lotus flower.


Brahma temple is located south of the Shiva Temple. The temple sits on the shelf that forms berlangkan breezeway. Along the walls of the temple were lined with sculptured panels depicting Lokapala.

Along the walls of the balustrades decorated panels containing the shuffle of continuation of the story of Ramayana on the walls inside ledge Shiva Temple. Piece of the story in the Ramayana tells the Brahma temple warfare assisted his brother Rama, Lakshmana, and monkey army to fight Ravana Sita going to wander into the woods after being expelled by Rama who doubted her purity. Sita gave birth to her son in the forest under the protection of a hermit.

On top of the ledge wall lined jewel embellishment. Under Charles, facing outward, there is a small alcove with decorative Kalamakara on it. In the niches are carved depicting Brahma as the priest who was sitting with a variety of hand positions.

Brahma temple is also only have one room with a door facing east. In the room, there is Brahma statue in a standing position on the yoni-shaped pedestals. God Brahma is described as having four faces, each facing a different direction, and two pairs of hands. On the forehead in the face facing the front there is a third eye called 'urna'. Brahma statue was actually very beautiful, but now it is broken. Wall space Brahma plain unadorned. On the wall on each side there is a prominent rock that serves as a place to put the oil lamp.


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