Exotic of Teleng Ria Beach

Teleng Ria beach is one of the most famous beach attractions in Pacitan, Teleng Ria Beach has a beautiful panorama view of the beach and the white sand along about 3 Kilometers, including in the Gulf of Pacitan series of the southern Indian Ocean coast. Facilities were adequate and comfortable, even when visiting with a group, family or friends with a little party. Easily achieved with various types of vehicles and the distance is not far from the city Pacitan only 2.5 Km or more precisely the location of Teleng Ria Beach in the Village District Sidoharjo Pacitan Pacitan East Java Indonesia.

Experience Travel to the  teleng Ria beach Pacitan

On the way to the Teleng Ria beach from the west  Solo or Yogyakarta does have a very beautiful landscape of trees, the road up and down the winding, hilly beautiful natural countryside, there is one hill and round the corner there means having the most beautiful scenery with panoramic beach look amazing when paused to look around, and a gentle breeze rustling sound waves as well.

 Teleng Ria beach Pacitan

Nothing was already up Teleng beach tourism destination Ria, seen various facilities there, went straight to the counter / place in the tourism levy payment Teleng Ria Beach, and extensive parking places continue to fall from the vehicle, seen a lot of vacationers who fell from the Tour Bus , or cars and two-wheelers respectively. As he sauntered toward the beach and surrounding area is shady trees with a cool breeze beach, on the right or left of a lot of souvenir sellers and Pacitan culinary, musical arts performances also exist, where children's games and more.

Exotic panorama of the beautiful  teleng Ria beach

Upon arriving at the observation post as a shelter can be relaxing to sit to gather with family, group, or friends. Countless number of substations of view, perfect for enjoying the panoramic beauty of the Teleng Ria beach to look  once rustling waves this beach. If the visitor turned to the left side, visitors would see the inn and beach volleyball court. Feel that a walk to set foot white sand beach Ria Teleng this, just relax around the streets in the surrounding area while looking wind and touching the sea water as relieving fatigue on the way. One of the places Pacitan Gulf is indeed remarkable natural scenery, visitors crowded and ideal and convenient for families.

For those who have small children, in a tourist attraction Teleng Ria beach is no means a swimming pool and a children's playground that is comfortable to play. Who have a hobby of fishing do not worry, there are facilities fishing grounds, and fresh fish at the fish landing place at an affordable price. Or enjoy the culinary offerings Pacitan in restaurants around.

Facilities and amenities tourist area Teleng Ria Beach

Existing facilities at the tourist attraction Teleng Ria Beach Pacitan include observation post, swimming pool, children's playground, lodging Multipurpose Bonggo Budoyo, restaurant, camping, fishing, toilets and culinary Pacitan area. Parking area and supports various types kendarat two-wheelers, cars and tour buses. Also seen fish landing place, for those who like culinary or create a gift of fresh fish can be found in the Ria Teleng beach at an affordable price.

How to get Teleng Ria Pacitan

City of Pacitan pretty easy driving distance is only about 2.5 Kilometers - follow the main road and the road signs to the teleng Ria beach up until the place.

For International arrival, If departing from Yogyakarta, or Solo only takes 3 hours drive to reach this beach by using a travel-Pacitan majors Jogjakarta. The fares range from Rp 40,000 - Rp 50,000. Another option using the bus down from Pacitan Terminal at a cost of Rp 12,000 each person and then proceed to ride public transportation Prengkuku majors with a rate of Rp 2,000 each person.


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