Parai Tenggiri Beach " The Rockest Beach"

Parai Tenggiri Beach according to most of the visitors who've been there, is a most beautiful and prettiest beaches on the island of Bangka. The beach is classified as a modern beach, it can be seen from some of the facilities that are there are international standards, but do not worry about beauty and beauty is maintained here. More recently, the beach was used as a filming location by one of the finalists of the tv show Master Chef Indonesia from Bangka.

The beach is located in the area Matras, Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung province. Formerly local people call this beach with beach names Hakok, then changed again with the name of Mackerel Beach. And now better known as Parai Tenggiri Beach. Since named beach Hakok until now, this beach is an area most favored by local residents and visitors from afar.

Stone - Large Rock

Parai Beach's beauty can not be doubted. This beach has clean white sand, blue water and crystal clear sea and decorated with large rocks that make up the beautiful formations and palm trees that grow on the beach. So it is not wrong if this beach is awarded as the most beautiful beach on the island of Bangka.

Parai Tenggiri Beach

In this area there is an international resort with 4 star hotel that is Parai Beach Resort. In the resort amenities available, such as a restaurant, cafe, bar and grill, outbound, swimming pool, even sports and leisure. With facilities and natural beauty of beaches, making this region very suitable for couples honeymoon.

Bridge to Rock Island

Another uniqueness of this beach is, on the left coast there are clusters of rocks are arranged neatly and charmingly named Rock Island. To go to Rock Island, visitors can pass through a bridge decorated with lights on either side. At night, visitors can relax and enjoy a delicious restaurant dishes and food from the bar while listening to the waves hit the rocks. It is very romantic!.

This coastal area is managed by the private sector, it is not surprising that there is first-class facilities at this beach. Because it is managed by the private sector, the entry tickets were pretty expensive at Rp 25.000/orang. But when compared with the natural landscape and existing facilities, it is quite reasonable that price, let alone the tickets can still be exchanged for juice, soft drink or other beverage.

To reach this location, the Port of Kuala Balam or Amir Depati Airport takes about 45 minutes using a motor vehicle


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