Highest Peak Kalimantan on Baka-baka National Park

Time to post about Indonesian beauty and this is about borneo island. To you traveller who want in journey to the center of jungle, or want to know about conservation of animals, trees, this is a good place to go. In Kalimantan there are Formerly two different nature reserves, Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya now forms one transborder national park of 180,000 ha named after two of the highest peaks in Kalimantan, Bukit Baka (1617 m) and Bukit Raya (2278 m).

The park straddles the borders between West and Central Kalimantan provinces and comprises a part of the Schwaner mountain range. The altitude range of the park is about 240 - 2,278 m and as such habitats range from lowland rainforest, through hill and mountain forest, to moss forests at the highest altitudes. Traditional Ot Danum-Dayak still inhabit the park and live according to their old traditions.

Baka-baka National Park
Recently, the Kalaweit Research Station has been established by the French Society of Conservation Etho-Passion. The station's main goal is to coordinate conservation activities in Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya. These activities entail the management of the three programs: 
  • Gibbon Rehabilitation Program
  • Conservation Education Program
  • Sensibilization of local communities 
The Kalaweit program is a new conservation program operating under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops of the Republic of Indonesia. The research station will be ready to welcome researchers in April 2000.

Baka-baka National Park
How to get there

Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park is an other poorly accessible park on Kalimantan. There are two routes to the park. The first is time consuming and relatively cheap, whereas the second possibility will cost you more money but will save you time. A third possibility is to access the park from Palangkaraya, but this route will take a couple of days.

Baka-baka National Park

1. Take a bus from Bayu Layang station in Pontianak to Sintang (7-12 hr). From Sintang catch a bus or boat to Nanga Pinoh and from there continue by boat to Popai. In Popai you'll find the headquarters of Pt. Sari Bumi Kusumah, a timber company. Popai is still 35 km from the entrance of the park but you can get a lift on one of the trucks of the timber company or the local KSDA centre.

2. Take the plane from Pontianak to Nanga Pinoh. From Nanga Pinoh: see above.
Permits and information are available at the park's office in Sintang, where one should go for permits and is given a free guidebook.

Baka-baka National Park


Simple accommodation can be arranged at the timber company in Popai.

Kalaweit Research Station
E-mail: Mr. Aurelien Brule
Jalan Demang Salilah I No 11, Komplex Unpar
Palangka Raya, Kalteng, Indonesia 

Kantor Unit Taman Nasional Bukit Baka - Bukit Raya
Jl. Dr. Wahidin S. No.75 Telp./Fax.(0565)23521
Sintang 787611
Kalimantan Barat

Kantor Resort Tumbang Hiran
Taman Nasional Bukit Baka - Bukit Raya
Desa Tumbang Hiran, Kecamatan Marikit 74456
Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur
Kalimantan Tengah

KSDA, Jl. Abdurrachman Saleh 33, Pontianak. KSDA, Jl. Yos Sudarso No.5 Kotak Pos 32, Palangkaraya.


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