Kaco Lake bright gleaming lights of Moon

Kaco Lake Indonesia  :: Time to post about beautyatindonesia again. Today we will travel to Sumatra Island. Deep inside the tropical rainforests of the Kerinci Seblat National Park, an exceptional beauty radiates from an enchanting lake with water as clear as the purest crystal. The lake is so transparent that it earned the local name of Lake Kaco, or in English simply meaning the Glass Lake.  The lake is located at Sempur Village, Kerinci Regency, the province of Jambi.

 Lake Kaco is situated approximately 1,289 meters above sea level and measures about 30 m by 30 m in total  area covered. What makes this Lake exceptional is its crystal clear blue water which  contrasts beautifully with the dark green foliage of the surrounding trees. There is no actual account of the lake’s depth, however one can definitely observe thousands of endemic Semah fish swimming at various depths.

As the sun sets over the horizon and darkness takes over, Lake Kaco presents its magical wonders and radiates bright gleaming lights, especially at full moon. This beautiful phenomenon attracts many visitors to camp here during full moon to experience one of nature's greatest features.

Kaco Lake

A number of scientists and researchers have conducted scientific researches here  to uncover the mystifying phenomena of Lake Kaco, as to  its luminous blue water and its unidentified depth. Researches who dived into  the lake  said that most of the oxygen in their tanks was already depleted before they reached the lake's  floor.

 While science has yet to find the  answer to  this mystery, local legend and folklore may provide a bit of explanation on  the wonders of lake Kaco.

Lake Kaco
Legend has it that once upon a time a beautiful princess lived by the lake and attracted all young men in the area to wed her. Obsessed by her beauty, these infatuated youths gave diamonds and all kinds of precious gemstones and other gold pieces to Raja Gagak, father of the princess.

However, obsessed by greed, Raja Gagak violated his own daughter and  drowned the princess into the lake together with all diamonds and gemstones given to him.

The myth concludes  that the glowing blue color of the lake’s water comes  from the sparkling diamonds submerged at the bottom of the lake. While the enchanting ambience and the unexplainable beauty of the lake are radiated by the  the princess's own aura.
See on The Map

Kaco Lake Indonesia :: HOTEL/MOTEL

There are no inns or homestays at Lempur village, your only accommodation options are available at Sungapenuh Town. Among these are
Hotel Kerinci
Phone: +62 748 324 459

Hotel Jaya Wisata
Phone: +62 748 21221

Anticipate trekking over damp and muddy terrain as you make your trip to Lake Kaco since it is located in tropical rainforests which are constantly wet, and become worse during the wet season.

Look out for leeches and thorns on various plants as you make your way through the forest .It is advised to wear short pants to easily see if a leech has gripped your legs. Use appropriate and comfortable

Kerinci Regency is famous for its cinnamon and potatoes. These two ingredients are turned into a delicious snacks and drinks called Dodol Kentang (Potato) and cinnamon syrup. These unique treats of Kerinci can be found in many shops along the Padang-Sungaipenuh main road.

Kaco Lake Indonesia :: ROUTE

From Jambi City,  capital of Jambi Province, it will take approximately 8 to 10 hours' drive to the town of Sungaipenuh in the  Kerinci Regency. From Sungaipenuh it is another 90 minutes drive to the entrance of Lake Kaco.There are a number travel services that serve the route of Jambi-Sungapienuh. If you want to try  public transport, there are minibuses from Sungaipenuh town to Lempur Village. However these minibuses only operate to 15.00 Western Indonesia Time.

The road to such exceptional beauty also presents challenges since you have to walk for about 4 hours from Lempur Village across the Kerinci Seblat national Park to Lake Kaco. However your fatigue will be accompanied by amazing panoramic sceneries, butterflies, birds, and other beautiful creatures of the wild, as well as the sounds of nature. Once you reach the destination, all your tiredness will certainly  be well earned.

Kaco Lake Indonesia :: DISHES

In the town of Sungaipenuh there are a number of restaurants offering various kinds of Sumatran food. Among these is the Gulai Ikan Semah which is made from an endemic fish of Kerinci, the Semah fish, which  dwells in Lake Kaco.


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