The Truly Raflessia Arnoldi Only in Indonesia

Padma giant ( Rafflesia arnoldii ) are obligate parasites of plants known for having very large flowers , even is the largest flower in the world . He grew up in a network of vines ( lianas ) Tetrastigma and do not have leaves that can not photosynthesize . This plant is endemic to the island of Sumatra , particularly the southern part ( Bengkulu , Jambi and South Sumatra ) .

Kerinci Seblat National Park is an area of ​​major conservation of this species . This species , together with other members of the genus Rafflesia , threatened status due to devastating deforestation . In Java patma grow only one type of parasite , Rafflesia patma .

Interest is not rooted parasitic , leafless , and not stemmed . Diameter of flowers when in bloom can reach 1 meter weighing about 11 pounds . Flowers suck inorganic and organic elements of the host plant Tetrastigma . The only part that could be referred to as " plant " is a network that grows on vines Tetrastigma . Flowers have five petals that surround the mouth that looks like a barrel . At the base there is interest sections such as barbed dish , containing stamens or pistils of flowers depends on gender , male or female .

Animal pollinators are flies attracted by the stench that issued interest . Interest only about a week old ( 5-7 days ) and after it withers and dies . Very small percentage of fertilization , because the male flowers and female flowers bloom so rarely together in one week , if any flies that came fertilize .

Rafflesia arnoldii2
Its name is derived from the flowers to smell like rotting carcasses , which are actually intended to invite the beetle and fly pollinators for the flowers . Corpse flower is also often used as a nickname for the giant Rafflesia patma arnoldii . In nature these plants live in wet rainforest . Corpse flower is the official flower for the province of Bengkulu .

This plant has two phases in life that appear in turn , vegetative and generative phase phase . In the vegetative phase appears quasi leaves and stems . Can reach 6m . After some time ( years ) , the vegetative organs wilt and tuber dormancy . If sufficient food reserves in the bulb and supportive environment , myriad flowers will appear . If less food reserves to grow back their leaves .
The flowers are very large and high , shaped like a phallus ( actually the cob or spadix ) surrounded by a sheath of flowers that are also large . The flowers are monoecious and protogini : female flowers receptive first, then followed by the ripe male flowers , as a mechanism to prevent self-pollination . Until 2005 , the highest rate in captivity record held by the Botanical Garden Bonn , Germany which produces tall flower 2.74 m in 2003 .

On October 20, 2005 , flowers bloom with a height of 2.91 m at the Botanic Gardens and Animal Wilhelma , Stuttgart , also in Germany . Nevertheless , Cibodas Botanical Garden , Indonesia claimed that the flowers that bloom there reaches a height of 3.17 m in the early hours of March 11, 2004 . Flowers bloom for about a week , then wilted . If fertilization occurs , will form red fruits with seeds on the part of the former base of the flower . These seeds can be planted . After cooking flowers , all parts of the generative wilt . At that time deflating and dormant tubers . If it gets enough water , the leaves and shoots will grow vegetative phase begins back.Because uniqueness of this flower , the flower often traded by humans , that is the main factor of interest is rare .

With a height of up to 3 meters and emit foul odors , dead flowers attract enough other things that will help tertutama insect pollination . However , what makes the highest rate in the world do these tactics into the secrets of nature is impressive . " We wondered why the occasional flower smells like rotten ass and at other times more rotten , " said Wilhelm Barthlott from the University of Bonn , Germany . He believes there is a rhythm production stench removed the corpse flower .

corpse flower
To prove the alleged smell cycle , Barthlott and his team recorded the flower growth period using an infrared camera . By recording the temperature changes from time to time , they were surprised because part or stem erect phallus in the middle emits a very high heat .
In the investigation , they have recorded three times the growth of the corpse flower . Overall the heat flow from the stem to the tip top of up to 36 degrees Celsius and steaming . " We see the steam rising around the flower in the middle column . We think these plants on, "says Barthlott . Radiation heat release up and down as you change the smell . Heat flow used to pump air into a foul odor .

Rafflesia arnoldii
The heat and stench of the corpse flower may mimic the natural way to attract the attention of an animal carcass beetles and flies . However , the cycle has certainly smell natural function more than just attract attention .

Commonly called the corpse flower or titan arum in the scientific study Amorpophallus titanum meaning ' giant penis shaped abysmally ' to grow in the open space in the forest floor of Sumatra . With such habitat , the corpse flower smell spreading trouble especially at night when the cold air layer is formed near the surface of the ground . With growing so tall and emit steam , such interest may overcome these obstacles . Warm steam will rise to the top and can be spread more widely and more distant . " This explains why the very large flowers . It was like a torch in the wilderness that emit odors up , "said Barthlott . Needs energy to grow and produce heat giants this also explains why the corpse flower only lasts for two nights .

Corpse flower now been scattered in various places around the world , especially the botanical gardens owned by the breeder or breeders - specialists . In America , interest appears often given the nickname or given name and always attracted the attention of many visitors . Interestingly many visitors come to " enjoy the smell of " her.


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