Metulak Ceremony in Lombok island

A native tribes Sasak in Lombok Island living since hundreds of years ago. Sasak tribe lives full with customs value and its ceremonies. One of the traditional ceremonies are still practiced by Sasak is metulak. Although at this time, now procession of metulak can't be seen every times, but the ceremony is still often held, especially by rural residents.

Metulak Ceremony derived from  prefix "me" and the word "tulak". The prefix "me" Sasak people use for any word, while the word "tulak" meaning of back, so that the meaning of the word metulak is restore. Sasak people often refer metulak as a ceremony to repell, to resist pests, disease, or disorder evil spirits. There is no mention of when the source of the first ceremony held metulak. However, based on oral tradition, metulak first held by the Sasak ancestors who lived in the village Pujut, Central Lombok

Metulak ceremony finally turn into besentulak. This ceremony is a tradition originally before Islam ancestor, but in the later development  Islamic influence began to fill this ceremony. Under the influence of Islam, it is now generally filled reading besentulak implementation which contains poems of praise to the Prophet Muhammad, not spells like the old days. Nonetheless, before Islam ancestral rituals are still visible on the terms and meaning of symbols that accompany the implementation of besentulak

Metulak Ceremony timing can be adapted to its purpose. Metulak commonly held until two days and two nights. If metulak held to resist disease (plague) in the village, it is generally held every four years. However, there is a regular schedule if metulak held every one or six years.

Metulak Ceremony in lombok island

Metulak generally made  by at least six reasons which are:

1. When a person or a family member get illness
2. While the establishment and deployment of new homes
3. When the baby's hair cut
4. Before departure Hajj
5. When an outbreak of smallpox (ngayah) disease
6. When the rice began to ripe

The whole metulak ceremony will be held at metulak over the people house who have intent, except to reject the outbreak of smallpox, metulak held in custom home village.

In the first time, metulak ceremony led by the village head (datu). He will be assisted by penowaq (elders), keliang (village chief aide), clerics, petabah (palm reader groups), belian (shaman), and stakeholders. But now, metulak led by a ustadz or ulama.
Metulak Ceremony

Metulak Ceremony :: Each of them has own duty and obligation in metulak ceremony. Penowaq charge of inviting the spirit of ancestors and Dewi Anjani (jin leader in Mount Rinjani). Penowaq generally assisted by old women who does not menstruate anymore (menopause) and housekeeper (wife clerics). Keliang assists the village chief. While ustadz or ulama in charge of leading the prayer.

Metulak attended by family members, relatives and villagers. While attending the ceremony, people will usually bring an empty bottle and a minimum of nine Kepeng sholawat money (kepeng currency only used in ritual, not as general exchange). The bottles will be filled with water that has been prayed by the purchaser. The water will be drunk for a sick family member and serves as a medicine as well as starting reinforcements.


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