Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Although attention to tourist attractions in Germany is still little bit known or not so popular by traveler if we compare with some other European countries such as Italy, France, England and Spain. But since reunification, Germany has gained a higher profile as a tourist destination in Europe. 

The Most Popular Tourist Destination in Germany is Berlin, one of the most exciting capitals in Europe. Many other major cities in Germany which has a proud history as an independent state or city as the capital of the kingdom in their own country. But the tourist attractions in Germany by no means confined to the cities, because many other great attractions that can be found in every corner of the country section.

Here's a list of 10 Popular Travel Destinations in Germany:

1. Brandenburg Gate
Popular Travel in Germany
Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

The Brandenburg Gate is the only city gate surviving from Berlin and symbolizes the reunification of East and West Berlin. Built in the 18th century, including the Brandenburg Gate area of ​​Unter den Linden. Highway which is very prominent with typical linden tree, which had led directly palace of the king of Prussia. This place is considered as one of the tourist attractions in Germany the most famous in Europe.

2. Holstentor

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Holstentor is one of the two remaining city gates of the city of Lübeck. Built in 1464, this gate now serves as a museum and tourist spot in made in Germany. Holstentor is unique in its architecture, because two round towers arched entry was regarded as a symbol of the city of Lübeck. Together with the center of the old town (Altstadt) Lubeck is one of the major tourist attractions in Germany.

3. Oktoberfest

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Oktoberfest in Munich is the largest festival in the world with more than 6 million visitors annually. Despite the name, Oktoberfest begins in late September to the first weekend in October. This festival has become An important part of Bavarian culture, the festival has been held since 1810. Visitors can enjoy a variety of traditional beer beverages such as Hendl, Schweinebraten, Würstl, Knödel and a large number of other German beers at affordable rates. That's why this place became one of the tourist attractions in Germany

4. Frauenkirche

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Located in the city of Dresden, the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) is a Lutheran church that is completely destroyed during World War II. This church was reconstructed using the original plans of the 1720s and reopened in 2005. Coventry City, which is made by the Luftwaffe donate golden cross for the dome of the church. Since the place is reopened, the Frauenkirche has become a very popular tourist attraction in Dresden. In 2009 the church was visited by President Barack Obama, and became one of atu selection of tourist attractions in Germany.

5. Rügen Cliffs

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Cliffs of Rügen is a cliff located in Jasmund National Park in the northeast of the island of Rügen. This cliff face constant erosion in the limestone cliffs tower high above the Baltic Sea. It has a high cliff 118 meters (387 feet), and Königsstuhl (king's chair) is the most magnificent part of this cliff. Forests are still natural and never disturbed behind the cliff is also part of the national park and become tourist attractions in Germany are quite popular.

6. Neuschwanstein

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Neuschwanstein is located on a steep hill near Fussen in southwest Bavaria. This place is the inspiration for the castle princess sleeping in the park Disneyland. This castle is made by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, who declared insane when the fort is almost completed in 1886 and was found dead a few days later. Neuschwanstein is the most photographed building in the country and one of the tourist attractions in Germany are the most popular.

7. Heidelberg Old City

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Located in the valley of the Neckar River, Heidelberg is one of the tourist attractions in Germany are the most popular. During World War II, the city was almost completely spared by allied bombing which destroyed most of the other major cities in Germany. Therefore, Heidelberg has retained the charm of narrow alleys, houses are beautiful and famous Heidelberg Castle.

8. Cologne Cathedral

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

This place is the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany, Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) has become the most famous symbol of Cologne over the centuries and become a tourist destination in Germany. Construction of Cologne Cathedral began in 1248 and took interruptions, more than 600 years to complete. The cathedral is dedicated to Saints Peter and Mary and is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne.

9. Lindau
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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

This historic city is located near the meeting point of the borders of Austria, Germany and Switzerland in the eastern part of Lake Constance (Bodensee). The city is connected to the mainland by bridge and railway and has a population of about 3,000 inhabitants. Filled with medieval buildings and half wood, Lindau be become tourist attractions in Germany are quite popular.

10. Romantic Rhine

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Popular Travel Destinations in Germany

Romantic Rhine is the most famous part of the city Rhine. River Rhine carve street in this city through the vineyard-covered it with countless castles and ruins of historical relics. This river is an important trade route to Central Europe since ancient times and a number of small towns that have grown up along the banks. These cities are limited in size, many old towns in this place that still retains the shape of the original buildings still remain, so the place is worth becomes one of the Popular Travel Destinations in Germany


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