Kintamani "Village of Death People"

29 July 2013
By bandeng presto

Kintamani is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Bali, of course, foreign tourists and the archipelago who've been to this area enchanted by the charming natural scenery so it is not surprising that many of the domestic and foreign tourists who always visit back to the "heaven on earth" Here you are. Even hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists visit the area each year. So do not miss the opportunity to visit the area whose name was worldwide while you visit this paradise island.

What can we see in Kintamani

A. Kintamani beautiful panorama

Surely you are asking about what is the main attraction Kintamani? The answer is very charming panorama Kintamani seemed able to anesthetize the eyes of the visitors to the recesses of the heart coupled with temperatures around 18 degrees celsius. In addition, the region's tourist area also presents a panorama of Lake Batur is a frequent talk of the tourists and are often recommended by the tourist guide. Beautiful mountain views also lined up a dish that is very dear to miss so do not be surprised if most of the travel agents in Bali tourist put it into a travel route that must be visited.

B. Lake and Mount Batur

Of Penelokan you can see the various "attractions" natural beauty which is a combination of elegance Lake Batur is shaped like a crescent moon blue background by Mount Batur complete with black rocky expanse of heaven is like a paradise. You can be as much immortalize the famous tourist paradise is up to foreign.

C. Trunyan

If you've arrived at Kintamani then should you took a visit to the village Trunyan that can be passed with cross using the boat about 20 minutes. In this village, you can see the daily life of local people who have a different way of life than the prevalence in general. As an example of the burial procession, in contrast to other areas where the public Trunyan generally just put the corpse propped up by a tree without going through the process of burial. Although just put it there alone, but guaranteed you will not smell the rotten corpse because of the odor generated by the body is neutralized by the fragrant smell of incense wood is used as a berthing bodies.

Travel Tips to Kintamani:
You should arrive towards this area in the morning, so you can enjoy the natural scenery around the obvious. When the weather is less supportive of such cloudy or rainy then you better cancel plans to Kintamani attractions, why? Because when he got above you will not encounter the beautiful panorama because it was blocked by clouds or rain. This place have lunch while enjoying the incredible views. The driver, tour guide, or travel packages usually is definitely going to take you for lunch at this place. So please be wise and smart to choose holiday packages.

How to go Kintamani

From Denpasar, you will need approximately 2 hours drive to get to a location called Penelokan. The word itself is Penelokan Balinese language means the place to look, see, or enjoy. Panelokan location is very strategic to enjoy the diverse natural beauty of Bali that will not be forgotten in a short time. Penelokan located in the Village area Kedisan, one of the villages in the district of Kintamani.

You can look for the package tour that can be found easily in every corner of the city of Denpasar to find the best deals to travel this area. The tour package offers a private vehicle and driver will escort you to the tourist areas along the way to Kintamani. Panorama of natural beauty and uniqueness of the people around this area attraction is very popular to foreign countries and hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the area each year. Therefore you will feel a loss when not insert Panorama Kintamani attractions in your destination list in Balinese.


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