Mirror Lake, Truly Mirror Water

Deep inside of East Kalimantan there is a Labuan Lake Mirror . This is a special Lake and very unique because lake because it has the sea at the bottom. Sea at the bottom of the lake ? True , this lake has a flow of salty water that exist only at the bottom of the mirror Lake . Labuan located in the Big Dipper - dipper District , East Kalimantan . If viewed on a map , it is located right at the back of the nose Kalimantan . This place can be reached within a three -hour sea journey from Derawan .

The top of Labuan Mirror Lake contains freshwater such as lakes in general . But there are a few feet below the flow of salt water . Surprisingly , both types of water is not mixed . In the visible can be seen that the sea water and fresh water are separated by a similar layer of clouds.

No one has done research in this area so that the formation of this phenomenon is still a mystery .

Mirror Lake, Truly Mirror Water
White cloudy layer was thought to result spoilage organisms harbor base is trapped and unable to leave . Two types of water in the lake is also presenting two organisms of the world . Freshwater fish living on the surface , whereas the sea water fish can be found on the bottom of the lake .

When I get there , coincidentally being thin layer of fresh water . The crew of the dive boat and had tasted the salty water at a depth of about two meters . Apparently layer thickness freshwater and saltwater can be changed in accordance with tidal sea water .

Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake, Truly Mirror Water
This tiny lake surrounded by woods and there are towering cliffs on one side . We were treated to music while swimming forests - the sound of birds and insects . Not surprisingly, the lake is named Labuan Mirror : crystal clear water until people can reflect on it . Flows in some places quite strong and easy to get drag. For people who can not get to this place we had to ride the canoe fishermen and travel pass for 15 minutes , cut through the mangrove and scrub forest . The forest was still inhabited by a variety of wild animals such as monkeys , proboscis monkeys , otters and bears .

Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake, Truly Mirror Water

Because the distance is quite far from the city , rarely or almost no tourists who visit here . This place is only known by the local people from the surrounding area . Facilities and infrastructure are still sober . The place we stayed was a Fisherman Information Center ( PIN ) assisted The Nature Conservancy , the environmental activist organization invited me to visit this place .

PIN -shaped house on stilts at the edge of the mouth of a river , only a few hundred meters from the sea . The house had some sort of a small pier where boats moored . River in front of the PIN brackish water .Levels of salty depending on tidal sea water . When the sea receded , the river turned out to be very clear so that essentially can be viewed obviously, From porch we could see the fish milling about . there are some children of fishermen who like to play in the PIN, also explain to us the types of fish . There are many prickly fish , there are fish that sting and long flat -bodied fish . Not only visited by fishermen , the PIN is also a gathering place for the children of fishermen who want to watch a movie about sea life or read a library's collection .

Mirror Lake, Truly Mirror Water

It was getting dark when some fishermen went out to sea . As we spent the evening with a cup of coffee on the porch and looked at the river and the moon almost full . Atmosphere of peace that can not be found in the city. If you're interested travel to Indonesia, especially to find a peaceful mind, avoid the noise from city, this is a great place to see


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